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Subscribe SWITZERLAND village how amazing by public90912

Subscribe SWITZERLAND village how amazing - view The snow-covered Alps stand out clearly in the light of a full moon. A fortress-like CHATEAU is situated in a flat saddle of forest partway up the mountain, next to a frozen lake. The property is surrounded by high stone walls, and the stately grounds are bathed in floodlights and patrolled by armed guards with dogs. EXT. CHATEAU - NIGHT The driveway and motorcourt are filled with cars. A formal-dress party is in progress… a private reception for a Middle Eastern dignitary. Tuxedoed men escort their diamond-encrusted ladies through the huge front doors, where they doff their overcoats and are politely scanned with hand-held metal detectors by white-gloved security staffers. The walled perimeter of the house runs along the lake, forming a kind of rampart. There is an opening, to a kind of waterway or canal, which connects to the private docks inside the grounds. There is a steel grating across the opening. The bars disappear down into the thin ice of early winter. With the house visible in the background, we crane down below the parapet wall along which a guard in a white exposure suit is walking… down along the dark wall to the grating… tilting down to see a glow pulsing under the ice.